Registered Dental Hygienist
Val takes her profession very seriously and is a Past-President for the Grand Rapids Dental Hygiene Society.
Val received her Associates degree in Arts & Science from the Grand Rapids Community College. She has received her Nitrous Oxide Sedation license, Anesthesia certification, and is certified as a Registered Dental Hygienist through the State of Michigan.
"I love being a dental hygienist because it gives me an opportunity to help patients and see results. Helping patients maintain good oral health care can allow them to have overall total health. It is important also to have discussion and use technology and tools to help patients achieve their goals of a healthy smile. At your appointment, I want to hear what goals you have for your smile and how we can work together to help you attain those goals. I especially want to help patients control chronic periodontal / gum disease."
"I love Zumba, it has given me a healthier happier life. Physical fitness has recently become more important in my life because I realize I have only this body to live in and I need to take better care of it. Hobbies also help me relax. I enjoy knitting and reading a good book, or sometimes doing crafty things with my sewing machine. My husband and I have been married five years. We have one dog, and love going out for sushi." ~ Val